We stayed up late watching the Punisher(a fabulous show by the way), and then the baby was up a few times during the night, per normal. Naturally, I woke up dead tired this morning. I found my way to the living room to check on Elianna, managed to pour her a cup of Cheerios-couldn’t have managed milk- and fell back into bed, all without opening an eye. Not literally, unlike the baby who, maybe due to a there and back again cold, could manage only to pry open his left eye, the other sadly shut with a natural gooey glue. I opened it for him, and hoping I could close my own eyes for one more heavenly second, I, wait, is that poo?
There’s something our group of friends have started calling “Kaki Gav” (that’s Hebrew), due to an unseemly reoccurrence. Roughly translated as “Poopy Back”, this term is used when a baby poos explosively and it somehow manages to reach odd spots like an ear or his shoulder, as well as his back.
I was snapped awake at the site of my favorite grey pants of his stained yellow, the color already reaching the dangerous lower back area- definetly a Kaki Gav. We bounded off the bed, me holding his little body like a ticking bomb. I wiped him down with half a pack of baby wipes, washed my hands with a suspiciously slow trickle of water, and wrapped him in a cloth.
In the time it took to reach the bath, the water had shut off completely. A couple drops, then none at all. Too tired to be annoyed and freak out, I sat on the edge of my bed and called Sim. He said he would talk to the homeowner, and then the baby peed on my lap. Taking a deep breath, my eyes rolling skyward, I stripped the bed one handed and decided to wait out this little growing fiasco in the bathroom- a relatively safe zone- and try the water again. Propping Nadav on my hip, I checked the tap-water! Not hot, but without much of a choice, I stood there filling his lukewarm bath covered in pee. As I was about to put him in, I felt a warm trickle down my leg. Man can my baby retain water!!
Finally, Nadav was cleaned and dry, the clothes were in the wash, and my daughter, realizing she hadn’t gotten much attention in the 15 minutes we’d all been awake, got into the paint and came to show me her fresh black hands. A black she wiped on every available container in the bathroom. Thank goodness it was watercolor and cleaned off pretty seamlessly.
I was peed on twice, dealt with a poop bomb, showered and dressed almost the entire family and it was time, folks, for my morning coffee.

What I do in those random snippets of spare time I have is read. It’s nice to have a different world to escape to, even for a few minutes. It’s also something to do when the kids are asleep and my husband plays Xbox once in a while. I can still sit next to him and cuddle, and he can race and sneak a kiss once in a while.
*this post contains affiliate links – if you want to check out any of these books, you can click on the picture and it’ll take you to the Book Depository, from which I may receive, at no extra cost to you, a commission.
Who doesn’t love a good I-just-can’t put-this-down book?!
My mother in law got me into thrillers- they’re the books she always gives me and while once I just had nothing else to pick up, they’ve now become a much-loved genre! This one was of her favorites. A total cliff hanger, you aren’t going to be able to stop reading…you just have to find out what happened to that baby!!
This was a great book. Relatable characters, compelling storyline that leads you to figuring out what actually happened on your own, which I love! Humorous at times as well.
Who doesn’t love James Patterson?! There are a lot of thrillers writers out there, and he’s one of the good ones! Surprises, as usual, an awesome pot, and some pretttttttttyyy gory murder scenes. An enthralling and super easy read!
There is always time for a good ol’love story, especially after reading a bunch of thrillers! I didn’t see the movie, which i think is a hundred percent better when you’re reading. I hate already knowing what’s going to happen. Typical Sparks, but he never disappoints!
We’ll finish with the current book I’m reading. Much better than I was expecting, some pages made me crack up with laughter. The story takes place over the course of two lovers lives- a poor boy with dreams to run in the Olympics, and a well off Jewish Princess with a heart condition. So far, it’s been a sweet story!
Read any of these or have any suggestions?! Let me know in the comments!
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