So many tichels, so little time! Except not….when you’re wrapping your hair every day, there are plenty of opportunities to try them all! Mix and match, get funky with the style, head covering can be a fun, creative expression. For weddings, I’ll choose a shiny fabric, or maybe plain black to match everything, and twist in the middle. For day outings, I like my wrap high on the head and off my neck, tight enough that it won’t fall off but also comfortable. For work at the restaurant, I’ll do a shorter fabric with a funky print, start at the back of my head and end with a bow- I always get complimented on that, and even ladies who don’t cover their hair ask me for tutorials! Even at home, when I’m cooking, I like to do a simple wrap, covering all my hair to be sure there’s no flyaways.
Get some scarves or pieces of fabrics, and get wrapping!

Love,love,love this site!—Looking forward to additional story’s and recipes !!!
Love it! Say hi to Safta!
I wanna learn how to do these head wraps…
I’m going to post tutorials!
Love it! Say hi to Safta!
I wanna learn how to do these head wraps…
I’m going to post tutorials!
Love,love,love this site!—Looking forward to additional story’s and recipes !!!