Follow along with your favorite scarf!
When you shed more hair than your dog, you should start to worry. I have. So worried, that I’ve begun to do a small mirror check after pulling out my ponytail to make sure im not actually bald this time.

Lil bae wanted to be in our tutorial pics.
Thankfully, I own around fifty headscarves and they are really coming in handy lately. I’ve ditched the wig; I usually take out those soft wispy bits in front to make it look more natural, but alas, I don’t have any wispy bits now. Just those peaks slowly edging back from my hairline that are so commonly seen in men. Balding old men.
Now that you know, you’re probably going to focus on those poor used-to-be-wispy-haired spots and flatten your lips into a sad little line and shake your head. Or zoom in and clutch your pregnant belly in horror while you cross yourself. Save it please, I’m doing fine, really(it’ll grow back, they say). I’ve gotten so good at these hair wraps I’m already ready to go before my husband even has realized ive left to dress. Impressive, given that he usually has to dilly dally around waiting for me for like an hour.
This style with the bow in front almost always gets complimented,and ladies, religious and totally not, often ask me how it’s done. It’s really so easy, and one of my favorites
*I always ALWAYS use a velvet headband first, otherwise the scarves slip off my head. The friction from the velvet keeps it on tight. You might not have that problem, or you can use bobby pins.
First, fold up your scarf.
lay out a square scarf Fold corner to corner fold L point down

I usually do a little off center

Make a bow. You got it.

Tuck in both ends flat against your head. No bumps please.

Pair your wrap with funky earrings- you can do a big messy bun and leave tendrils falling out as well. Show me your wraps! Comment below!

Very interesting idea, its all so pretty. I thought I would leave my first comment